
“As the smart grid has evolved, most of the media and public focus has been on consumer-facing products and technologies, such as smart meters, automated metering, and home energy management systems. While those areas are undeniably important, technologies in the distribution tier of utility systems remain critical to the efficient and reliable operation of today’s energy networks as well as to the realization of the smart grid’s full potential and promise. Indeed, utilities have not lost sight of the critical importance of their distribution systems.
Utilities have been automating their distribution infrastructure since the 1960s, and the term “distribution automation” is said to have originated in the 1970s. From a business standpoint, the utility industry long has understood that distribution automation (DA) can yield significant cost savings through measurable improvements to operational efficiency, reliability, service quality, and energy conservation – all of which can contribute to customer satisfaction. Distribution automation is a key component of the smart grid, imbuing(=prežemati) it with the very intelligence it needs to be smart, and Pike Research forecasts that this smart grid market sector is poised for a period of robust growth over the next several years.”
(Vir: Pike Research, november 2010)


Pospešeno uvajanje razpršenih virov, električnih vozil, čedalje strožji pogoji za zagotavljanje kakovosti dobavljene el.  energije, vse bolj zahtevni in ozaveščeni odjemalci – vse to bo v prihodnosti predstavljalo velik izziv za upravitelje elektroenergetskega omrežja. Gotovo je, da se bodo z najnovejšo tehnologijo opremljena  Smart Grid omrežja uspešno spopadala s težavami. A menim, da moramo medtem, ko hitimo k temu cilju, našo pozornost še vedno posvečati tudi “Smart Grid” tehnologijam, katere dejansko poznamo in uporabljamo že desetletja. 

Podjetje Altens d.o.o. je ponudnik izdelkov in celovitih rešitev v konceptu pametnih omrežij, ki so namenjene izboljšanju kakovosti in zanesljivosti dobave električne energije. Je tudi ustanovni član nacionalne Tehnološke platforme SmartGrids.

Pospešeno uvajanje razpršenih virov, električnih vozil, čedalje strožji pogoji za zagotavljanje kakovosti dobavljene el.  energije, vse bolj zahtevni in ozaveščeni odjemalci – vse to bo v prihodnosti predstavljalo velik izziv za upravitelje elektroenergetskega omrežja. Gotovo je, da se bodo z najnovejšo tehnologijo opremljena  Smart Grid omrežja uspešno spopadala s težavami. A menim, da moramo medtem, ko hitimo k temu cilju, našo pozornost še vedno posvečati tudi “Smart Grid” tehnologijam, katere dejansko poznamo in uporabljamo že desetletja. 

Podjetje Altens d.o.o. je poudnik izdelkov in celovitih rešitev v konceptu pametnih omrežij, ki so namenjene izboljšanju kakovosti in zanesljivosti dobave električne energije. Je tudi ustanovni član nacionalne Tehnološke platforme SmartGrids.


“As the smart grid has evolved, most of the media and public focus has been on consumer-facing products and technologies, such as smart meters, automated metering, and home energy management systems. While those areas are undeniably important, technologies in the distribution tier of utility systems remain critical to the efficient and reliable operation of today’s energy networks as well as to the realization of the smart grid’s full potential and promise. Indeed, utilities have not lost sight of the critical importance of their distribution systems.
Utilities have been automating their distribution infrastructure since the 1960s, and the term “distribution automation” is said to have originated in the 1970s. From a business standpoint, the utility industry long has understood that distribution automation (DA) can yield significant cost savings through measurable improvements to operational efficiency, reliability, service quality, and energy conservation – all of which can contribute to customer satisfaction. Distribution automation is a key component of the smart grid, imbuing(=prežemati) it with the very intelligence it needs to be smart, and Pike Research forecasts that this smart grid market sector is poised for a period of robust growth over the next several years.”
(Vir: Pike Research, november 2010)